Saturday, November 21, 2009

Best Friends and Lovers

First meeting should be about building a friendship before initiating sex. The friendship will be the foundation to keep the relationship cemented in place.

When working on a friendship there is no fear of being your self. Trust is built first out of friendship and grows more with every moment you spend reveling information about each others lives. The ability to be vulnerable becomes so easy.

Time is not recognized because of hours of talking to each other, as you hang on to every word spoken.

Attraction starts to build stronger with every contact made with each other. Trust begins when secrets are reveled to each other that have never been spoken to another, this brings you closer.

You are becoming best friends.

You are falling in love, hopelessly in love. You now want each other physically, your minds and bodies on fire. You have desire for each other and it feels wonderful. The first kiss, wow amazing, the passion is building stronger! The Friendship you have makes the emotional connection and sexual attraction explosive, better than just a sexual connection.

This kind of relationship is the strongest… Best friends and Lovers!

Never accept a sexual relationship before becoming friends, emotions become exaggerated and strong. Trust has not been built. Closeness has not been established. Sex alone is not a strong foundation. When the fire and desire of a new sexual relationship dies down you must have the closeness of a best friend. The desire and passion will always have a flame that will ignite to a blazing fire over and over again!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Always Stay In Love

New Love is exciting, fun and just comes easy, it seems to flow. After the new wares off and couples settle into the relationship they begin to go about life. What they fail to understand is being in love can always stay through out the relationship and last.

Do not compete with each other. This will only cause the attraction and love to take a back seat.

Be Humble…under each other (submission). This does not mean to be a doormat. It is an expression of your Appreciation and admiration for each other.

Always make each other more important than yourself…always remember how important you were to each other in the beginning. Note! Your partners’ interests were always interesting and important to you. This does not mean you sacrifice self esteem.

Always serve one another, give your support and time to each other.

Listen more than you talk, gives a feeling of respect and that your partner is important to you.

Make each other feel important and number one in your life. Always take time for each other.

Play together. Enjoying each other is so important. Do not always take life so serious. Being able to play together will always take away from the stress of life.

Keep your individuality, makes for a happy you and your partner will always find you interesting, keep growing individually and as a couple.

Appreciate each others differences, learn from each other and always try your best.

Monday, May 19, 2008



Read the sentence above carefully, this is a proven fact... think about it and reflect on yourself and how you precieve who you are and how you act in everyday life....

For instance if you want a good man/woman, you must be a good woman/man, then this is what you will attract!!!

If you want Respect, Love, Honesty, then these are qualities you must have!!!

If you do not like the kind of men/women you are attracting, if you are not getting what you want, then it is time to look to yourself and see how you are comming across to others. When you realize some of your actions and words are what you are attracting and you don't want this, then make changes.... when you make those changes to what and whom you do want to attract, you will be surprised at what and whom comes into your life...

Our thoughts are who we are. What ever we think, this is how we will live our lives! Change your thoughts, change your life....

Start paying attention to how you are acting and what you are saying in everday life, if you feel this is what you have been attracting then it's time to do something about it. If you show compassion and love for yourself as well as others then you will attract many but only the people whom have those qualites will stay, others will move on... I you show stength of character then this is who will come into your life and stay... Live your life to the best and you will be surounded by the BEST.... Abundance will flow into your life!!!


A word we all seem to not think about that much… This is a word with a feeling much greater than us… Without Faith we will fall …. Faith is hope, belief and were our dreams come from. With out faith we have no dreams, they are just a thought. I have asked some people, what are your dreams, there answer has been I don’t have any, I then ask them if they have faith in something, someone, themselves, and in God…. They struggle to think about what I have asked…

First we need to have Faith in something greater than us (GOD, Jesus, what ever you believe is your greater power)… Then we need to have faith in ourselves, our partner, family, friends etc… With out FAITH the human race will destroy itself… Think about it, if you do not have anything to believe in, you plummet into deep despair… Unless you get your faith back in yourself and your greater power you are slowly dying… You will eventually cease to exist…

With Faith you can accomplish anything… your dreams will come closer and closer… Your love will become stronger and engulf you and who ever is around you… You will feel positive in every part of your life… You will become a magnet to all around you… It all starts with FAITH in your greater power and yourself, then it will reach far and wide, everything will start to come together.

Attraction and Flirting

Just goes together, can’t have one with out the other… and when they come together, “WOW”!!! You feel it all through you body. It’s a good feeling…. Then the Flirting starts ever so slowly…. First a smile with some eye contact… then the look, ever so subtle, in hopes he/she is also looking your way. The way you Smile and use your eyes is another way of saying I am attracted to you…

You both know now that you are feeling attraction. Now the playfulness …. This is the fun stuff. You start to tease with words and body language and always using your eyes and smiles to also tell a story. You challenge, tease, test each other, all the time getting to know what each of you likes and dislikes. Lots of laughter and humor this will intensify the attraction… Times stops and by now you don’t even know there is anyone else in the room, it’s just the two of you… The night is coming to an end and of course you don’t want it to end but it must. He may ask for your telephone number or just say good night and ask if you will be back around. Oh how you are tempted to stay like this all through the night but something says wait… So you say good night and wait until you meet again.

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